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Creating something with personal meaning make commissions my favourite pieces to produce.  It's been lovely to see people's homes brightened with my art, and they've loved having an original piece that's a talking point with friends and family.


People most commonly want a map created of their home or somewhere meaningful to them, but I've also produced silhouettes of buildings and businesses for those that want a different feel to their commission.  


Whether a map or silhouette, painting or print, I'd love to explore creating something personal that you connect to.  Colour palettes, sizes, and designs will all be tailored to your taste to ensure you get a piece that you (or whoever it's a gift for) love. 


It's hard to give a guide on price without understanding what you're looking for, as different work requires different amounts of design work, colour tests, materials, and production time, but as a guide a personalised print can be as little as £250.


Please send a message and I'm happy to discuss creating a painting or print for your home.



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